let me give you a question to think upon...

what is the ultimate truth of life?

think about the answer and then proceed to read.

PEACE: a state of relaxation, a state of satisfaction and a state of truthfulness.

a peaceful person hardly lies, they have nothing to hide and nothing to lose.

so, can a businessman have peace?

can a beggar sleep peacefully?

did Mother Teresa had peaceful life?

   ## so, do peaceful means remain away from the society and modern trends?

        #The answer is debatable.

The ultimate truth is "Death."

no one is immortal. magic is not in our hands.

     "With no doubt peace has its roots associated with religion"

atheist people can debate freely but above sentence is correct.

                  a goal is required to live the life but what if you died before the achievement, this sound devastating. but with the hope that i will live till my 60s atleast keeps you working. A car accident does't account your age nor a natural death. Still we are its same in every individual the difference is 

  !! selfishness


  !! fear of loosing 

  !! acceptance of death

a business's man and a beggar both are selfish, but Mother Teresa wasn't.

deeds nor beggar nor businessman, but Mother Teresa do cared of it.

businessman has fear, fear of losing but beggar and mother Teresa didn't.

they all have accepted the death as truth but one of them or two of them or maybe all of them might choose to live longer with choice.

everyone is like them very few knows and live in peace.

a person knowing that i have to die one day and everything even the earth is transient can take a step ahead to get the peace but with the belief that death is the last step of peace

we already know about this, but you don't really you didn't understood what i meant....

the journey of life is to make you feel down and down so that 

this world can't simply let you live in peace, 


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